Winter Break Adventures!

Choirbees went on many different adventures this winter break to many fabulous places and did some incredible things. Here are some of their stories!

"Over break I spent 2.5 weeks in Argentina with my family. We went all over the country and it was lots of fun. This photo is in Bariloche at a rose product shop. I have no idea what this lady has to do with rose products, but I thought she was fun!" - Lucy, senior

"A good friend and I went on a mini-roadtrip around our lovely state, Minnesota! We surprise crashed overnight at every friend's home we passed along the way. Highlights of the trip include a slam poetry event at Carleton College, watching Bollywood movies, trying on wedding dresses and getting 'married,' and driving through a lot of beautiful tundra...while clouds danced across the vast eternal sky." - Jacqueline, first-year

"Over break I traveled to NYC with my family and saw two Broadway shows, Nice Work If You Can Get It starring Matthew Broderick and The Heiress-- with Dan Stevens from Downton Abbey!! We went skating in Central Park, visited the Met, and braved the day after Christmas shopping crowds at Macy's in Herald Square. I then came back to chilly Boston for wintersession to work on my thesis-- I interviewed 82 preschoolers :)" - Paula, senior

"This break I was back home in Jordan and spent half of the break visiting my sister in Dubai, UAE. It was my first time in Dubai and the experience was great, definitely enchanting with all the work done creating artificial islands, one of which shaped like a palm tree!! It was good time spent on the beach. In Jordan, I had a good time with friends and loved the cozy smell of mom's good food every day!!" - Dana, junior

"I took my exchange students that I mentor/counsel free hugging in Harvard Square!" - Izzy, first-year

Check back next Monday for more winter break adventures from the choir!


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