Choirbee of the Week: Cayla!

Meet Cayla, our Choirbee of the Week! She is a first-year from Rochester, NY.

Is there any significance to your name?
Ooh this is embarrassing. My full name is Catherine, and when I was born my parents were going to call me Katie. But one week before I was due, my dad’s best friend had a baby named Katherine, and called Katie. So there my mom and dad are on the couch one night, racking their brains for alternate nicknames when they hear the name “K’Ehleyr” on their favorite TV show, Star Trek Enterprise… K’Ehleyr (pronounced kay-lar) reminded them of the name Cayla, and it stuck. So I am basically a Klingon.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I wanted to own a horse ranch in Montana with my cousin. We were going to be farmers.

Strangest food you ever ate:
Freeze dried raw kale “chips” with vegan “cheese” coating. It was horrible.

Place you want to visit:
Moscow, specifically to see Lenin’s preserved corpse. And the ballet, I guess.

Last song you listened to:
“Pick and Choose” by Stepdad

When I’m stressed out I like to:
Knit!! Some people like to run or whatever, but I tend more towards the shut-in end of the spectrum.

The childhood toy I always wanted, but never got:
An American Girl doll. My mom thought they presented a negative image of femininity. And she thought they were overpriced.

Pet Peeve:
When people fail to use adverbs. (You did so good (sic) on that test!)

Guilty Pleasure:
Nutella on Oreos. My vegan roommate judges so hard.

Favorite Broadway musical:
Billy Elliot. I cried so much both times I’ve seen it.

Favorite sound:
Spem in Alium, a 40-part motet by Thomas Tallis. (I actually think it is mentioned in 50 Shades of Grey, but I liked it way before that, I swear.) Just go listen to it, and look at the score online. Your head will explode.

Favorite thing about Wellesley:
How offended everybody gets about mostly everything. It’s so refreshing to not be the only one anymore.

Playdoh or silly putty:
Silly putty, at least until it gets full of like, hair. Playdoh smells funny.

Apples or oranges:
Apples!!! Honeycrisp is my favorite variety.

Rain or snow:
SNOW. I die for snow. I cannot wait for it.

Letters or e-mail:
Letters I guess, for a personal matter. Email for business.

Tea or coffee:
Tea. It adds to my elderly woman persona.

Anything else you think the choir should know!:
I am passionate about bagels. The choir might already know this since I tend to talk about them a lot, but I really miss the good bagels from home. If you ever find any good ones nearby, let me know.


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