Blog Series: Concert Manager and MOOCA, Alyssa and Katie!

Meet our Concert Manager Alyssa and our Manager of On and Off Campus Affairs Katie! They are both juniors, Alyssa majoring in Music and American Studies and Katie in Music.



Is there any significance to your name?
Alyssa: Not really. I was going to be named Kelsey until
about a week before I was born, when my parents polled my dad’s high school class and
found a girl with a sister named Alyssa. I think they just liked the name. I guess it worked
because people say they couldn’t see me named anything else!
Katie: My mom thought “Katherine” was a beautiful name and “Katie” a nice nickname that not many girls had. On the first day of preschool when she came to pick me up, she called out “Katie!” and every little girls’ head whipped around. Turns out, all the other parents of my mom’s generation thought the same thing about the name “Katie,” and now we exist in numbers beyond anyone’s imagining.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A: I really wanted to be on Broadway.
K: A singer, of course!

Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures?
A: I’d rather be in pictures with other people.
K: Take them.

Do you like your handwriting?
A: Yes. I’ve been told it could be a font.
K: No, but other people seem to.

Do you use your watch or your cell phone as a clock?
A: Watch
K: Cell phone. I should probably get a watch with a second hand though, because that is a useful tool when conducting!

Place you want to visit:
A: So many! Italy, Scandinavia, Greece, and Australia are what I
thought of first.
K: Canada, with the Wellesley College Choir!

Strangest food you ever ate:
A: Stingray! The first day I was in Geneva on choir tour with my
dad a big group of us went to a restaurant in a hurry and my dad ordered everyone the
daily special.
K: Chicken feet.

Last song you listened to:
A: “Uncharted” by Sara Bareilles
K: Lithuanian composer Giedrius Svilainis’ SATB choral work “Vox Populi.” (We heard the Mt. San Antonio Chamber Singers perform this last year when they visited Wellesley and did a joint concert with us!)

If I had a pet bee I would name him/her:
A: Bumble
K: I bought one this summer and named her The Choirbee :)

If I had a free hour I would:
A: I’d take a boat out to the middle of the lake and just sit there.
K: Sing more!

The childhood toy I always wanted, but never got:
A: I definitely wanted ALL of the American Girl accessories for my dolls.
K: A rainbow unicorn.

When I’m stressed out I like to:
A: Make lists of all of the things I have to do, then watch tv and
drink tea.
K: Lie on my yogibo. It's like a giant bean bag that hugs you.

Favorite childhood tv program:
A: Arthur
K: Hey Arnold!

Favorite holiday:
A: I love all holidays! My birthday is a pretty good one though.
K: Christmas <3

Favorite junk food:
A: I hardly eat junk food because I’d rather eat desserts. But probably
pretzels. Or pita chips.
K: Junior Mints are the best :)

Favorite Childhood Memory:
A: The first road trip my family took from Massachusetts to Michigan (through Niagara Falls and Toronto) and then to Ohio/Pennsylvania/Washington DC and Philadelphia. My mom decided it would be fun to look at the weirdest travel book at the bookstore and take us to those places. My siblings and I have fond (if you can call it that) memories of eating pizza on windy hills up a mountain to see the Hare Krishna Palace of Gold near Wheeling, West Virginia…we were the only visitors there that day I’m pretty sure. (We had a lot more fun at Hershey Park )
K: Walking through a park with my mom at sunset.

Favorite Broadway musical:
A: I can’t ever pick just one! I’ve always liked the music from The Last Five Years, but I’ve never seen the show.
K: Off Broadway, Jason Robert Browns "The Last Five Years"

Favorite Kitchen appliance:
A: Kitchenaid mixer. I have a silver one but I really want a pink one too!
K: I don't cook.

Choices Choices
Raincoat or umbrella?
A: Both
K: Umbrella. I have one that is beautiful and rainbow :)

Snowman or snow angel?
A: Snowman

Cake or pie?
A: Pie for sure, especially with crumb topping
K: Neither. Cookies, candy, and ice cream.

Plane or boat?
A: Boat
K: Plane, though they scare me if I think too much about them.

Pencil or pen?
A: Pen
K: Sparkly pens.

Playdoh or silly putty?
A: Silly putty, I like the metallic one!
K: Playdoh.

Still or sparkling?
A: Usually still but lately I’ve been having more sparkling water
K: I like anything better when it sparkles, but I guess when it comes down to taste, I enjoy still water better.

Tea or coffee?
A: Both
K: Tea with honey and lemon! I'm a singer!

Rain or snow?
A: Snow
K: Ugh. Rain, I guess.

Planning or spontaneity?
A: I’d say planning 90% of the time because spontaneous adventures are fun
K: Spontaneity, because I can pull it off and am not a natural planner.

Mac or PC?
A: Mac
K: Mac. I am in love.

Letters or e-mail?
A: Letters. I love getting mail! And I love sending mail!
K: I love to write letters. Though the convenience of email really does make me smile when I think about it.


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