Choirbee of the week...Berit!

This week's choirbee of the week just returned from a semester in China! Welcome back, Berit-we're so happy to have you singing with us again!
Berit at the Great Wall of China!

Hometown: Pullman, Washington

Favorite musical artist: Jackie Daum

 Favorite song to put you in a happy mood: ABC - Jackson 5

Who would star a film made about your life? Amanda Bynes (pre- psycho meltdown)

 Last book you read (for fun!): Nancy Drew

One thing you can’t live without: adventure!

If you could have dinner with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? My dad

Do you have any pets? Two cats: a lethargic old one and a crazy, energetic kitten

 Favorite food: Sichuan Tudou (a traditional central/western Chinese dish)

 Personal hero/heroine: My parents

 What movie could you watch over and over? Mean Girls!

 If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? The Himalayas
What exotic pet would you like to have? a baby panda panda 40

 If you could have a superpower, what would it be? To be able to speak and understand every language in the world

 Favorite word: "Lihai," a Chinese word meaning "fierce" or "intense"

 Something people wouldn’t guess by looking at you: I can blow smoke rings

This or that:

Would you rather go back in time and meet your great grandparents, or go into the future and meet your great grandchildren? Great grandchildren

Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour? Run

Winter or summer? Summer

Beach or pool? Beach

Chocolate or vanilla? Vanilla

Rain or snow? Snow


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