Choirbee of the week...Simone!

This week's choirbee of the week is the lovely Simone!
Simone and the bee with the infamous Sleepwalker!
Hometown: Rochester, NY

Favorite musical artist: Sara Bareilles

Favorite song to put you in a happy mood: Never Gonna Be Alone by Nickelback

Who would star a film made about your life? Emma Watson

Last book you read (for fun!): Divergent

 One thing you can’t live without: My sister Bethany

 If you could have dinner with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? Susan B. Anthony, because she’s from my home town and she’s AWESOME

Do you have any pets? No, well not besides pet rocks

 Favorite food: Moussaka

 Personal hero/heroine: Hermione Granger

What movie could you watch over and over? The Incredibles (a family favorite, and we do watch it over and over)

 If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? New Zealand

What exotic pet would you like to have? A huge fish tank with tons of different fish, color-changing lights, lots of fake seaweed/rocks, and a cave!

If you could go back and visit any time period, what time would you travel to and why? The 4th century B.C. because then I could meet Buddah

 If you could have a superpower, what would it be? Flying, making other people’s dreams come true

 Favorite word: splendid

Something people wouldn’t guess by looking at you: I have climbed 16 mountains!

This or that:

Early bird or night owl? Night owl

Would you rather go back in time and meet your great grandparents, or go into the future and meet your great grandchildren? Go into the future

Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour? Fly at 10 miles per hour

Winter or summer? Winter

Beach or pool? Pool

Chocolate or vanilla? vanilla

Rain or snow? Snow


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