Choirbee of the Week NANXI '24

Nanxi Liu is a returning bee and a deserving choirbee of the week! They are a consistent and proactive member of choir, and we love their enthusiasm. Nanxi helped teach us Chinese and is always looking to help out with social events. Learn more about them below! :)

What is your name and pronouns?

"Nanxi Liu, they/them"

What is your rose (great memory), bud (what you’re looking forward to), and thorn (not so great memory) from the year so far!

"rose: singing with choir; bud: studying abroad in my junior year; thorn: can't go home due to covid restrictions"

What has been your favorite part of choir so far? (this could be anything, a favorite aspect like singing or bonding, a magical music moment, or what you’re excited for!


What is your favorite spot on campus?

"The lake!"

If you could invent your own class at Wellesley, what would it be and why?

"I would teach Chinese folk music and opera because these are my favorite genres of music :)"


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