Blog Series: Lucy Swenson and Haley Bertram, Amazing Pres and VP

Our new post in the blog series focuses on our wonderful President Lucy Swenson and Vice President Haley Bertram. Lucy is a Psychology Major and Economics Minor while Haley is a Classics Major. Both are seniors and are super excited to be leading the officer team this year! Compare how similar and different their responses are to various questions.

                       Lucy                                                                                         Haley

Is there any significance to your name?
Lucy: No, but my mom loved the name Lucy so much that she named her cat Lucy. And then when I came along my mom and dad changed Lucy’s name to Puff so that they could name me Lucy. So I guess I was named after a cat…
Haley: Not that I'm aware of...

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
L: A teacher!
H: A first grade teacher, until I decided that a teacher's salary couldn't get me a horse farm. Then I wanted to be a zoologist

Do you like your handwriting?
L: I do. Although sometimes I wish that it was smaller and cuter.
H: Yes.

Do you use your watch or your cell phone as a clock?
L: Cell phone
H: Cell phone

Place you want to visit:
L: New Zealand
H: So many!! Crete, Ireland, India, and Thailand are all on the top of my destinations list right now.

Strangest food you ever ate:
L: Warthog
H: Cow stomach. I wasn't aware that it was cow stomach as I was eating it. We thought it was chicken...

Last song you listened to:
L: “To know him is to love him”
H: "Some Nights"

If I had a pet bee I would name him/her:
L: Marmalade
H: Betsy

Guilty pleasure:
L: Sourdough bread
H: Raw cookie dough. Yummm.

When I’m stressed out I like to:
L: Chat with friends
H: Drive and sing along to the radio. Or paint my nails.

If I could create a crayon color its name would be:
L: Orangutan Orange
H: Big Sky Blue

Favorite sound:
L: Rain
H: Rain (when I'm inside)

Favorite childhood tv program:
L: The Magic School Bus
H: Full House

Favorite kitchen appliance:
L: Panini maker!
H: KitchenAid Mixer! I can't wait to have my very own!

Favorite holiday:
L: Christmas
H: Christmas! My birthday is Christmas Eve, so it's like a double holiday for me. I also love Christmas music.

Favorite junk food:
L: Goldfish
H: Orange soda and peanut M&Ms.

Favorite ice cream topping:
L: Rainbow sprinkles
H: Hot fudge

Favorite Broadway musical:
L: Mamma Mia!
H: Wicked

Favorite Word:
L: Lollygag
H: Maladroit. I learned it for the GRE. It means inept.

Choices Choices
Raincoat or umbrella?
L: Umbrella
H: Umbrella (with a fun design of course!)

Snowman or snow angel?
L: Snowball
H: Snowman

Cake or pie?
L: Cake
H: Tough. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing ties with pecan pie

Plane or boat?
L: Plane
H: Boat - I enjoy the fresh air aspect.

Playdoh or silly putty?
L: Silly putty
H: Playdoh. You can create more with Playdoh.

Citrus or vanilla?
L: Citrus
H: If it's a candle, vanilla. Otherwise, citrus.

Still or sparkling?
L: Sparkling
H: Still.

Tea or coffee?
L: Tea
H: Coffee

Rain or snow?
L: So hard…both
H: Snow - it's prettier, you can ski in it, and it's fluffy and doesn't thoroughly drench your clothing.

Planning or spontaneity?
L: Planning
H: A healthy balance of both! But spontaneity is usually how the most memorable things occur.

Letters or e-mail?
L: Emails for everyday life, but letters are much more fun
H: Letters. I love getting snail mail! And if you're sending a letter, you can decorate it with glitter glue and stickers. Craft time is the best time.

At convocation this year.

Picking apples. Aren't they adorable?


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