Time to meeting the FINAL CHOIRBEE OF THE WEEK of Term 3!!!

Our last Choirbee of the Week in Term 3 is Hadley Whalen '22. A returning bee, her quiet loyalty to the choir provides everyone with a rock and happy presence to rely on. We love her eagerness to volunteer and getting to glimpse into her super fun music taste, which she happily shares me us! We love hearing her voice both on and offstage and cannot wait to be with her in person again. She is most definitely a deserving Choirbee of the Week. Choirlove! <3

What is your name and what are your pronouns?
"Hadley, she/her"

Flashback! What were your rose, bud and thorn from your first semester?
"My rose from my first semester at Wellesley was getting to participate in Upstage's production of Spring Awakening because I'm a pretty big musical theater nerd! For my bud, I'm really looking forward to spending more time outside during T4; I'm happy to be back on campus after a year, and can't wait to enjoy some of my favorite walks again :) Lastly, my first-semester thorn was probably trying to jump into too many of the new and exciting opportunities on campus while also taking CS 111."

What has been your favorite part of choir so far?
"It's been wonderful to be part of a big choir community again, since my high school was small, and we never really had an official ensemble."

What is something unique that you’ve learned from singing with the Wellesley College Choir?
"I've learned a lot more about the connections between linguistics and singing, which I really appreciate as a linguistics major!"

If you could take me anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
"I would love to take you to Vilnius, Lithuania since I've wanted to learn the language for a long time, and I think the city's history is fascinating too :)"


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