Blog Series: Dr. Lisa Graham, Fabulous Conductor

The Choirbee's Buzz is proud to announce we will be updating the blog every Monday with a new blog post, and every Thursday with a highlight on the Choirbee of the Week!

For the next couple weeks, we will be presenting a new blog series on the 2012-2013 officer team! This week we start with our fearless leader, Dr. Lisa Graham, the Evelyn Barry Director of Choral Music.

Is there any significance to your name?
I was unnamed for several days because my mother's doctor confidently had predicted me to be a boy. Finally forced to commit to one on my birth certificate,
they chose Lisa, a name that my mother believed would prevent me from having nicknames.  She immediately called me Li-li.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
 A geriatric nurse, a passport control officer, and an actor/singer.  Where did I go wrong?

Do you like your handwriting?
Not especially. It's quite illegible (but still better than Dr. Steve's)

Do you still have your tonsils?
Last time I checked.

Do you use your watch or your cell phone as a clock?
I'm over 35 years old - my watch!

Place you want to visit:
Venice - I can't believe I haven't made it there yet.

Strangest food you ever ate:
Smoked puffin in Iceland.  Don't ask.

Last song you listened to:
The Baseballs cover of "Umbrella"- check it out.

If I had a free hour I would:
Go for a run.

Pet peeve:

Guilty pleasure:

The childhood toy I always wanted, but never got:
A big wheel. Only boys had them, back in the day.

If I could create a crayon color its name would be:
Ruby Maguro

Favorite sound: A unified, perfect [u] vowel from a choir!

Favorite childhood TV program: Gilligan's Island

Favorite kitchen appliance:  Coffee grinder 

Favorite holiday: Thanksgiving

Favorite junk food: Pringles

Favorite childhood memory: Christmas in Yosemite

Favorite childhood toy: A miniature hamburger stand that had a working soda fountain

Favorite Broadway musical: Sweeney Todd

Favorite Word: Abecedarius is a new favorite.  Although burdensome contextually deploying effectively!

Choices Choices...
Raincoat or umbrella? Both- stylishly coordinated!

Snowman or snow angel? Snowman

Cake or pie? Pie

Playdoh or silly putty? Definitely Playdoh, it's more creative...and tastier.

Tea or coffee?  Coffee

Rain or snow?  Rain

Planning or spontaneity? Spontaneity

Mac or PC?  Mac

Letters or e-mail?  Depends on the context! Overall, I do miss handwritten letters.

Leading...finding the way in Portugal.

With some of the 2012 graduate choirbees!

P.S. Don't forget to check back every Monday and Thursday for blog posts!


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