Choirbee of the Week: Hadriane Hatfield

The Choirbee we're introducing you to this week is a first year member of choir, Hadriane Hatfield! In addition to being super helpful and a stellar musical addition to our group, Hadriane is also such a sweet person.  She is always willing to lend a hand and look out for other members of choir.  We're so happy to have you as a member of our community, Hadriane!

1. Hometown: Montville, Maine
2. Favorite musical artist: Feist 
3. Favorite song to put you in a happy mood: “Wonder” by Natalie Merchant
4. Who would star in a film made about your life? I would love to watch my younger sister do this.  It would definitely promote self-reflection.
5. What’s the last book you read for fun? The Cellist of Sarajevo by Steven Galloway
6. What’s a song that always gets stuck in your head? Anything from rehearsal— makes practicing convenient!
7. What is something you can’t live without? Hugs
8. If you could have fancy brunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? Either my grandfather (whom I never got the chance to meet, but I’ve heard all my life about what an incredible man he was) or President Obama (to talk with him casually as a person), or Vi Hart, because she’s unapologetically weird and just such a great human.  (Look her up on youtube.)
9. What’s your favorite food? Yes.
10. Who is your personal hero/heroine? My aunt Hannah 
11. What movie could you watch over and over? Little Miss Sunshine
12. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? Petra, Jordan
13. If you could go back and visit any time period, what time would you travel to and why? Italy during the High Renaissance… I had the amazing opportunity to go to the Sistine Chapel last April and cried.
14. What is your favorite word? effervescent
15. Something people wouldn’t guess by looking at you is:Chickens are my inspiration.


  1. Oh Boo, Congratulations for being recognized as such a valuable member of the choir! I cried to read you mention you grandfather and even more when I read my name!! I feel exactly the same way toward you. Love you so much...xo Hannah


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