Meet Emma, this week's Choirbee of the Week!

Introducing Emma, a Sophomore from Manchester, New Hampshire!

Favorite musical artist: Coldplay Mumford and Sons, Adele and Ingrid Michaelson to name a few. Also Chanticleer (they’re an insanely talented all-male a capella group).

 Favorite song to put you in a happy mood: Fire and Rain by James Taylor

Who would star a film made about your life? Emma Watson or Anne Hathaway.

 Last book you read (for fun!): A really interesting book called The Sisters of Sinai which is about the two ladies who discovered the oldest known copy of the gospels in the 1800s.

 One thing you can’t live without: Chocolate.

 If you could have dinner with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? C.S. Lewis, mostly to thank him for the profound influence his books had on my childhood.

Do you have any pets? Yes. I have a cat whose full name is Lord Admiral Nelson Ambrogi (We call him Nelson). He is so named because like the real Admiral Nelson, who lost an arm at the Battle of Trafalgar, Nelson the cat is missing a tail (it got stuck in a window before we got him). In addition, he has very long whiskers that make him look very admiral-ish. He is also very mischievous and generally adorable.

Favorite food: My mom’s lasagna.

Personal hero/heroine: There are lots: Richard Feynman, Marie Curie, Bishop Gene Robinson, Hillary Clinton, John Cleese, and the list goes on and on.

 What movie could you watch over and over? Any Disney and/or Pixar movie, really. Toy Story, Tangled, Sound of Music, just to name a few.

 If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? The pyramids, temples and tombs of Ancient Egypt. We’re studying them in my Art History class, and they sound so cool!

 What exotic pet would you like to have? A chinchilla! They’re super fuzzy and adorable!

If you could go back and visit any time period, what time would you travel to and why? I wouldn’t like to live there, but I think I’d like to visit Jane Austen-era England, just to see what it was really like.

 If you could have a superpower, what would it be? The ability to fly, because it would be really fun.

 Favorite word: antidisestablishmentarianism, because it’s the 2nd longest English word and I learned how to spell it in 3rd grade.

 Something people wouldn’t guess by looking at you: My family loves bicycles, and we own a bike made for three people to ride at once. (We are kind of strange)

This or that:

Would you rather go back in time and meet your great grandparents, or go into the future and meet your great grandchildren? Back in time

Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour? Fly

Winter or summer? Winter, because I hate being too hot.

Beach or pool? Beach

Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate!

Rain or snow? Snow!


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