Choirbee of the Week: Zhou!

Meet Zhou, our Choirbee of the Week! She is a first-year from Salinas California.

Is there any significance to your name?
Yes there is! My name in Chinese means “continent”, and my sister’s name in Chinese means “ocean”, so together we make the world! I know, my mom’s a poetic genius. Haha. But also I used to go by the name of Victoria. A lot of Chinese Americans actually have an “American name”, and my sister’s name is Elizabeth. When my parents were telling my grandparents that she was named after a british queen, I was so jealous! Well, I was eight, so cut me slack. But I wanted a british queen name, and so my parents gave me Victoria.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
I really wanted to be a teacher because I thought it would be the coolest thing to have a bunch of kids think I’m awesome. My mom is also a teacher. I still think I’d like to become a professor after a while.

Strangest food you ever ate:
Duck eggs. Are those weird?

Place you want to visit:
Paris. Before it was Canada but we’re going for spring break!!! YES.

Last song you listened to:
“Say You’re Sorry” by Sara Bareilles. She is exceptional.

When I’m stressed out I like to:
Watch the Mindy Project. Mindy Kaling is a comedic genius, and it’s so nice to just watch other people goof around.

The childhood toy I always wanted, but never got:
A Barbie jeep!

Pet Peeve:
Arrogant people. It annoys me to no end. You can be proud of your accomplishments without being annoying about it.

Guilty Pleasure:
The Bachelor. Ugh I should not watch it, but it is soooo addicting.

Favorite Broadway musical:
Singing in the Rain. The dancing is so good! And all the songs are catchy. It makes me so happy if I’m down.

Favorite sound:
Crunching leaves. So satisfying!

Favorite thing about Wellesley:
The classes and the people!

Playdoh or silly putty:
Silly putty, but there’s nothing like that smell of playdoh to evoke images of childhood.

Apples or oranges:
Oranges. I hate most apples.

Rain or snow:

Letters or e-mail:
Letters. I write letters to my friends over the summer and I do cool things in them like sketches and I write in fun colors. I love getting mail too!

Tea or coffee:
Tea. I can barely drink coffee.

Anything else you think the choir should know!:
When I was first making the decision to come to Wellesley, I looked up the youtube video for “I am not yours” by David Childs. When a friend thought that I was actually in the video, I knew I had to try out for choir, and it was the best decision I’ve made!


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