Blog Series: Why We Love Choir, by the Seniors

The seniors have many favorite memories. Here's just a few!

"I joined choir because my week wouldn't be complete without singing. Choir has always been a big part of my life and the choir friends I have made at Wellesley are amazing! Singing at ACDA my first year, particularly special for me because it was one of the few times dad got to be there. A close second favorite memory, flying in from Oxford to join choir on tour in Portugal!! The Mozart Requiem was my favorite piece we've sung--so beautiful, so powerful and so emotional. It was the longest concert ever, but I enjoyed every moment of it--the swells of the orchestra and the rich SATB sound. I do love our women's voices alone though, too! I'm most excited about tour! Especially since I am planning it! We have some great venues in store, amazing places to visit and beautiful music to take with us!" - Paula

"One of my favorite choir memories has to be the first rehearsal of fall semester every year. Most people haven't seen each other all summer and as everyone arrives there is so much excitement (and hugging) in the air! It's a new year with new classes, but I think everyone finds comfort in returning back to their choir family. Other top contenders include choir line dancing in Tennessee, tour bus rides, and Vespers! I am most excited for our tour to Canada this year. I have had such amazing experiences on my past three tours that I have to imagine this one will be amazing. Any tour involving long bus rides means there will be a lot of musicals and singalongs, which are always so much fun! Plus tour is a great way to get to know everyone a little bit better. Nothing brings people together like exploring/getting lost in a new city" - Lucy

"Snowforms is such a fun piece! The ideas behind it are so unique, and the sounds created are hauntingly beautiful" - Carolyn

"I joined choir because I love to sing. Music is an essential part of my daily life and singing is a wonderful way to relax, de-stress, forget about the troubles of the day, re-energize, and share fun moments with other people who also love to sing. My favorite memory is of our international trip to Portugal. We all really bonded during this trip and it was such a joy to discover a new country together and to meet so many wonderful locals. The people we met were so warm and kind, and truly enjoyed hearing us sing. I think that during this choir tour we saw in action the statement that "music brings people together". One of the greatest thing about being in choir are all the great pieces we get to sing - Dr.Graham always picks such beautiful and varied music, so you really look forward to working on and performing the music. Right now I love the fact that we are singing pieces in so many different languages. It's a great way to be exposed to different cultures and to hear and perform music from different parts of the world." - Joanna


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