Choirbee of the Week: Michaella!

Meet Michaella, our Choirbee of the Week! She is a first-year from Los Gatos, California!

Michaella and the Bee in New York City! So cute.

Is there any significance to your name?
My parents wanted a musical, rhythmic name for me, which makes sense because my full name is Michaella Francesca Montana. Each name contains three syllables.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Most definitely an author. I loved bedtime stories immensely and would attempt to write my own stories using as flowery of a vocabulary as I could muster.

Strangest food you ever ate:
Sweet Breads in Paris

Place you want to visit:
Lima, Peru

Last song you listened to:
Dilate by Ani diFranco

When I’m stressed out I like to:
Read, listen to music, play the piano, sing, watch Eric Lander give a lecture on biology.

The childhood toy I always wanted, but never got:
I always wanted a trampoline. My parents constantly dismissed this wonderful circle of bounciness as a hazardous malady not to be exposed to children. Nonetheless, I loved the feeling of being in the air, weightless.

Pet Peeve:
When people text during a conversation

Guilty Pleasure:
Staying up until 2 am watching Downton Abbey

Favorite Broadway musical:
Newsies! I just saw it on Broadway last weekend and it was fantastic!

Favorite sound:
The tuning of an orchestra before the concert begins

Favorite thing about Wellesley:
Being given the right to be nerdy

Playdoh or silly putty:

Apples or oranges:

Rain or snow:

Letters or e-mail:

Tea or coffee:
Tea for a calm day of reading, coffee for stimulating conversation and homework

Anything else you think the choir should know!:
I enjoy not only the blending of our voices, but also the smooth blending of personalities. The women I have met in choir continue to dazzle me with their various interests and talents. Being in choir is a respite from my stress, and I could not imagine my experience in college without it. Thank you!
Quick shout out to Hannah for being the most wonderful big sister!! She has gone the extra mile in making my experience in choir be one of a kind.


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