Choirbee of the Week: Michelle!

Meet our first Choirbee of the Week, Michelle! She's an exchange student from China, and will only be singing with us for one semester. a bee! Look at those wings.

Is there any significance to your name?
Michelle is a purple flower in Hebrew, while my Chinese name 诗琦 means poem and jade.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?
Scholar and teacher, which is still my dream today.

Strangest food you ever ate:
S'mores (and strangely good!)

Place you want to visit:

Last song you listened to:
The Snows They Melt the Soonest

When I’m stressed out I like to:
Immerse myself in snacks...

The childhood toy I always wanted, but never got:

Pet Peeve:
Cruelty to animals

Guilty Pleasure:
Getting carried away with bargains...

Favorite Broadway musical:
The Phantom of the Opera

Favorite sound:

Favorite thing about Wellesley: 
Diverse, attractive PE classes for fitness and fun instead of grade!

Playdoh or silly putty:

Apples or oranges:
Apples, throughout the year!

Rain or snow:
Snow, heart and soul.

Letters or e-mail:
Letters, as a handwriting person...

Tea or coffee:
Tea, must I choose. Must I choose?

Anything else you think the choir should know:
Every night when counting my blessings, I count singing twice :-)

Michelle...with a bee!! We love our new choirbee and mascot!


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