Choirbee of the Week ELLE '25!

Elle Hemenway is a newbee and a deserving choirbee of the week who attends every choir dinner and shows a great dedication to choir daily! Elle sings with ease and, knows all our music perfectly and finishes it off with a fabulous sense of humor and a smile! Learn more about Elle below! :)

What is your name and class year?

"My name is Elle Hemenway, and I’m a first year (prospective Sociology and Education Studies double major)."

What is your rose (great memory), bud (what you’re looking forward to), and thorn (not so great memory) from the year so far!

"My rose is definitely going on tour to Puerto Rico and getting to spend time with a lot of people that I didn’t talk to before tour! I don’t have a thorn right now thankfully, and my bud is getting to go to choir events/rehearsals now that I know more people."

What has been your favorite part of choir so far? (this could be anything, a favorite aspect like singing or bonding, a magical music moment, or what you’re excited for!

"My absolute favorite part of choir so far has been going on tour! The audiences were so much fun to perform for, but like I’ve said the real best part was the choir bonding <3" 

What is your favorite spot on campus?

"There are a lot of spots on campus that I really like, but I have to say my favorite at the moment is the Freeman wellness nook. It’s a good spot to talk on the phone if you don’t want to bother your roommate (like I do pretty regularly) and it’s nice to be able to spend some time by yourself every once in a while!"

If you could invent your own class at Wellesley, what would it be and why?

"I would say that I would create a class where you get to learn about education policy (since that’s what I want to do after law school), but that class already exists at Wellesley!"


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