ISABELLA '24 is our Choirbee of the Week!

 Isabella Tjan is a returning bee and a very deserving choirbee of the week! She is dedicated to musical excellence and brings a joyful energy to rehearsals! She stays focused in rehearsals and is very social outside of them, attending choir socials and meeting other choirbees! Learn more about Isabella below! :)

What is your name and pronouns?

"Isabella Tjan, she/her/hers"

What are your rose (great memory), bud (what you’re looking forward to), and thorn (not so great memory) from the year so far!

"Rose: Choir kayaking! Being able to participate in one of our first social events of the year made me realize just how thankful I am for the opportunity to get to know my fellow choirbees in person (and have fun with them)!

Bud: I'm really looking forward to going on choir tour! I've heard from upperclassmen that it has been an incredible experience, and I am really excited to make more music and memories with the WCC family.

Thorn: A raccoon chased me up half of the hill to the Quint one night. I think it growled at me."

What has been your favorite part of choir so far? (this could be anything, a favorite aspect like singing or bonding, a magical music moment, or what you’re excited for!

"My favorite part of choir so far would really just be singing together in person. It's one of the most fundamental parts of choir that I took for granted before the pandemic, so comparing it to last year feels like a completely different experience. I'm so happy that I can listen to our sound and make something beautiful." 

What is your favorite spot on campus?

"This is tough, but I think it's gotta be a tie between Acorns House and Lulu Cow Chair Room. These spaces are just so cozy and I associate them with people I love. If Acorns was closer, I would be in there all. the. time."

If you could invent your own class at Wellesley, what would it be and why?

"I think I'd love to see an anthropology class about the comings and goings of trends on the Internet/social media, something titled maybe along the lines of "Unpacking the Dynastic Cycles of Viral Trends"; maybe incorporate analysis of dead social media platforms (rip Vine), or something like that. Seems like a good way to study something that we not only use all the time, but genuinely enjoy!"


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