Who's the CHOIRBEE OF THE WEEK??? It's....LORELAI BLAU '24!!! ❤️๐Ÿ’›


We are on a NEWBEE streak!! This week's well-earned choirbee of the week is LORELAI BLAU '24!! Lorelai's energy and enthusiasm always take center stage at rehearsals, from her great questions to our guest speakers to her leading the Chamber Singers in learning German lyrics. Learn more about this talented bee in this interview! <3

What is your name and what are your pronouns?

"Lorelei she/her/hers"

What are your rose (great memory), bud (what you’re looking forward to), and thorn (not so great memory) from Term 1?
"My rose is attending in person choir rehearsals and getting to hear everyone's beautiful voices! My bud is taking my first music theory class (with a lab! Woohoo!) for my major. My thorn was my 5 hour study sesh for Econ in the library. Not fun but it paid off."

What has been your favorite part of choir so far?
"My favorite funny moment was singing Mary Had A Baby with the missing page for Dr. Graham at Munger Meadows. The (almost) direct quote from Dr G herself: "that was awesome! now let's never do that again""

What are you looking forward to as our newest CHORAL SCHOLAR?!
"I am looking forward to discovering new sexy choral repertoire to listen to, and to learn more about the science of the voice and how to correct vocal issues."

If you could take me anywhere in the world, where would it be?
" I would of course take Yoncรฉ to Germany so we could speak German together and visit the outdoor market in my favorite city, Mรผnchen! ❤️"


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