Choirbee of the Week: Rachel Pak!

This week's Choirbee of the Week is Rachel Pak.  Rachel is a Junior, a Soprano, and our former Publicity Manager.  Rachel is always a dedicated and conscientious member of choir, but this week she really shined by staying after rehearsal to get some extra practice on her music by singing with the Tour group, even though she isn't able to join us on our Spring Tour. We appreciate her enthusiasm for music and all her contributions to the group. Let's get to know Rachel!

1. Where are you originally from? I am from Los Angeles, CA, which is arguably the best coast west coast.
2. What is your major? I am double majoring in English and media arts and sciences.
3. Who is your all-time favorite musical artist? Hands down, she is Beyoncé.
4. What is a song that always gets stuck in your head? My earworm at the moment is Hold On, one of the pieces we’re rehearsing this semester.
5. What is your favorite piece the Choir has performed this year? Why? My favorite piece is easily Gustav Holst’s The Planets, which is such an epic work of art.
6.Who is your personal hero/heroine? My mom. She always has and always will support me to the best of her ability, and I love her so much.
7. What is your favorite spot to hang out on campus? I have to say that my favorite spot is my room. I value my personal time and space when I have a moment to relax, so I love to brew some tea and sit at my desk when I get the chance.
8. What is something you can’t live without? Oh my goodness, skincare products; specifically, I’m talking about a good moisturizer.
9. What’s your favorite food? Food. In general.
10. If you could have fancy brunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? I would love to have fancy brunch with Secretary Hillary Clinton. I would love to chat about her experience during the 2016 election and sip champagne with her.
11. What movie could you watch over and over? Moonlight.
12. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? I would visit Paris because I am craving museums, macarons, and bread right now.
13.What is your favorite thing about the Wellesley College Choir? I absolutely love the community I have through the Wellesley College Choir. I know that I have a group of fifty or so wonderful people who always have my back.
14. What is your favorite word? Zeitgeist.
15. Something people wouldn’t guess by looking at you is: I love playing Pokémon Go. There. I said it.


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