Meet Lauren, our first Choirbee of the Week!

 Hometown:  Rhinebeck, NY​

 Favorite song to put you in a happy mood: Take on Me by Aha

Who would star a film made about your life? Audrey Hepburn (but not as me)

 Last book you read (for fun!): Letters to a Young Mathematician

One thing you can’t live without: my flute

 If you could have dinner with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why?
a professor from MIT whose lectures got me interested in biochemistry

Favorite food: acorn squash

 Personal hero/heroine: my best friend from high school

What movie could you watch over and over? Bringing Up Baby

 If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? Geneva, Switzerland

What exotic pet would you like to have? a hedgehog

If you could go back and visit any time period, what time would you travel to and why?
the 1920s because of the music

 If you could have a superpower, what would it be? the ability to understand any language

Favorite word: enamour (British spelling!)

Something people wouldn’t guess by looking at you: I love mice!

This or that:

Early bird or night owl? early bird

Would you rather go back in time and meet your great grandparents, or go into the future and meet your great grandchildren? back in time

Would you rather be able to run at 100 miles per hour or fly at 10 miles per hour? fly

Winter or summer? summer
Beach or pool? beach
Rain or snow? rain

 Lauren, we are enamoured by you, and so happy you're in choir!


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