Choirbee of the Week, Emma Meyers, '26!!


Emma Meyers is a newbee and a wonderful addition to our choir! She's always early at rehearsal and ready to help set up and prepare for the evening, shows up for all the choir dinners, and is of course, a splendid musician! We are so lucky to have her cheerful spirit with us, learn more about her below!

  1. Name, class year and pronouns

    1. Emma Meyers - first year, she/her

  2. What is your rose (great memory), bud (what you’re looking forward to), and thorn (not so great memory) from the year so far!

    1. Rose - Meeting my choir big; Bud -  Spring break :D; Thorn - realizing that I started my online final way too late in the night

  3. What has been your favorite part of choir so far? (this could be anything, a favorite aspect like singing or bonding, a magical music moment, or what you’re excited for)

    1. Caroling in Wellesley Square!

  4. What is your favorite spot on campus?

    1. The nook in Claflin

  5. If you could invent your own class at Wellesley, what would it be and why?

    1. History of Women’s Fashion: I think it would be fun to learn how fashion has changed over the centuries.

PS: Because Emma is so fantabulous, she made a slideshow of her week with Yonce!! Check it out right here--Emma's Week with Yonce!


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