CHOIRBEE OF THE WEEK is back and better than ever!!! 🐝💛

Yoncé is SO excited to announce our amazing RETURNING Choirbee of the Week! This bee is so deserving and has been since she first joined the Wellesley College Choir. GENEVIEVE '22 (or as Dr. Graham likes to call her, Geneviève) is a choral scholar, Soundtrap guru, and honorary choir director. She is never afraid to take on the hardest roles when we need her to, she is always there to lend her musical and rhythmic expertise, and is truly one of the backbones of our choir. Whilst filming our spring music video, Genevieve helped direct scenes, communicate with crew members, carry balloons, lead the body percussion section of What Happens When..., amongst other things, all while keeping her signature kind smile and subtle sass. Yoncé asks some hard hitting questions down below to our maestro.

What is your name and what are your pronouns?
"Genevieve Welch, she/her/hers"

What are your rose, bud, and thorn from T3?
" My rose in T3 was getting back to campus and reuniting with many friends who I hadn't seen since last March! My thorn in T3 was the fateful day that I dropped my entire lunch into the road...we don't speak of it. My bud for T4 is that I'm really enjoying both my classes! (Which has been the lucky case both terms :))"

What has been your favorite part of choir that you’ve experienced at Wellesley that you have not experienced in any previous music settings you’ve been in?
"What I love about choir at Wellesley is that we have both a really strong community and a great commitment to the music. Choirs I've been in before have tended to be either musically dedicated and socially lackluster or the vice versa - I love that both choir Halloween and a tricky measure in a piece are approached with equal zeal and love!"

When did you first become aware of your beautiful and unique voice, and what led you to pursue developing it?
"I'm not sure that was a choice I made! There's a picture I drew in kindergarten of me with a gaping, black hole for a mouth (singing, it seems) with the teacher-made caption "when I grow up, I want to be an opera singer." So, I'd say it was going to be pursued whether things turned out "beautiful and unique" or not!"

So many of us know you as a music maestro—what are some other things you participate in at Wellesley (or outside Wellesley!)?

"Let's see, I participate in spontaneous marches across campus for coffee from the Emporium - some call it procrastination and they would be wrong. I also expend great energy attempting not to get caught dancing in res hall elevators (I must not be the only one?!?)"

 It is five years in the future and you are conducting your first choir, which is not unlike the Wellesley College Choir. What is the repertoire set you would assign for your and their first season and tell us your reasoning behind including each song?
"Now this is a high pressure question right here. I'm going to take this to mean an SATB collegiate choir, in which case, my first answer just has to be the Victoria Requiem because, good god, that is a gorgeous piece of music and I'd do just about anything to perform it. I'm very tempted by Schütz's Selig Sind die Toten as well, which is a bit of a jump from Spanish Catholic to the Luther Bible, but bear with me: they're both Christian texts about death and gorgeous pieces - so there. Maybe I've gotta pull in some Wellesley and add The Parting Glass in a similar theme? I think so. And certainly more pieces I don't yet know! That said, a first concert revolving around loss may not really be the, back to the drawing board!"


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