What's the buzz?? It's time for...CHOIRBEE OF THE WEEK!

This week's buzzing bee is Sara Rodonis '24, one of our WONDERFUL Sop II newbees! There's always a bee at rehearsal that is grinning from ear to ear, unable to contain her excitement to sing. That bee is Sara. Choir officers were able to experience the way her joyous nature lights up a room during audition season, and she has continued to shed light during every rehearsal. Sara is always smiling, always trying her absolute best to learn her part, and always gracious towards her fellow bees. Her dedication as a newcomer in a tumultuous time such as this one has not gone unnoticed. Sara gives so much love to choir and we're here to give it right back to her!! Read all about her below!

  1. Name and pronouns?
    • Sara, she/her
  2. What are your rose (great memory), bud (what you’re looking forward to), and thorn (not so great memory) from Term 1 and the first half of Term 2?
    • My rose is the wonderful friendships I have made at Wellesley over the terms <3. My bud is getting to share the Vespers concert with my family and friends! My thorn is the hill next to lulu (sometimes referred to as death hill) that I have to go up and down every time I want food at lulu.
  3. What has been your favorite part of choir so far?
    • My favorite memory of choir was when we all met at the college club and got to sing as an ensemble. I really felt the choir love that day.
  4. I heard through some neighborhood buzz that you’re a musical theater starlet!! What is something that you have learned about your voice or singing in general in choir where we sing more classical styles of music?
    • Being in choir has definitely made me focus on blending with other voices in order to establish balance. What I love about singing is that no matter the style, your face and body can be very engaged and animated! (Yoncé note: Sara is ALWAYS engaged and animated-we LOVE to see it!)
  5. If you could take me anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
    • Yoncé, I would take you to Venice because this travel destination best fits my personality according to an online quiz ;)


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