Choir Bee of the Week: Emma Ambrogi '16

Today, our Choir Bee of the Week is holding this title for the third time! Emma Ambrogi, a current senior and a veteran member of the Choir, has been an invaluable source of musical theory knowledge during our rehearsals.

Emma Ambrogi and the Queen Bee
1. Hometown: Manchester, NH
2. Favorite musical artist: Anonymous 4
3. Favorite song to put you in a happy mood: High Hawk Season, by The Mountain Goats
4. Who would star in a film made about your life? Emma Watson 
5. What’s the last book you read for fun? I just finished re-reading a young adult series called Young Wizards, by Diane Duane. 
6. What’s a song that always gets stuck in your head? Every choir song ever…most recently "Still I Rise" 
7. What is something you can’t live without? Occasional snuggles with my cat.  
8. If you could have fancy brunch with anyone (living or dead) who would it be and why? I’d love to have some tea with Julie Andrews and soak up some of her wise, grandmotherly advice.  
9. What’s your favorite food? I think I’m probably the only person in the world who really loves broccoli.  
10. Who is your personal hero/heroine: Madeleine Albright has had an amazing life/career and done many inspiring things, but is also so humble and kind. I hope I can be as awesome as her one day! 
11. What movie could you watch over and over? Toy Story. It’s an eternal source of humor, wisdom, and nostalgia.  
12. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go? I’d love to visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.  
13. If you could go back and visit any time period, what time would you travel to and why? I’d go back to the 1920s and 30s and hang out with the scientists like Heisenberg and Schrodinger who were developing the theory of quantum mechanics. It would have been a fascinating time in science! 14. What is your favorite word? Ribozyme. It’s a cool concept (a piece of RNA that acts like an enzyme) and it’s fun to write and say. 
15. Something people wouldn’t guess by looking at you is: I love to do embroidery and needlepoint!
16. Why is a raven like a writing desk? You can find both on Wellesley’s campus!


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