Dresses and an Ode to the Tonys of the World

Only 2 days left until Dober this Saturday at 8:00 PM in the chapel! Tonight we had our dress rehearsal for the concert and the whole program is really coming together. We've added the viola and drums to the Abbie Betinis piece and are "Ave Maria-ing" like pros, which you'll understand once you hear the David MacIntyre arrangement.

And if you need one more excuse to attend Dober, we will be debuting our brand new choir dresses Saturday! The old dresses and jackets, also known affectionately as muumuus, are no longer with us. They now live with their new family, the choral program at Burncoat High School in Worcester. Our new dresses returned from Tony the Tailor’s yesterday and we handed them out tonight, complete with perfect hems. I would just like to note the fantastic luck that the WCC has with people named Tony. Tony the Tailor is a hemming god (60 dresses in approximately 2 weeks), and we also had bus driver Tony during our spring 2010 tour to DC, New York, and New Jersey, who was one of the best drivers/audience members ever! I'm pretty sure he attended every concert. Back to the point though—we are all very excited for the concert Saturday, and will be greeting you cheerfully in our new dresses! If you have any questions about the concert, email wcchoirblog@gmail.com. See you there!


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